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An i3status alternative in golang

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By default, barista handles the pause/resume from the bar using the USR1 and USR2 signals. This allows suspension of processing while the bar is hidden, saving resources all around.

The timing package provides scheduling abilities that are aware of the bar’s paused status, and wait for the bar to resume before firing. This makes them very useful for scheduled, repeating work that directly results in output, by suspending the work until the bar is visible again.


Schedulers are pause/resume-aware ticking channels that can be set to trigger at a specific time, after a specific delay, or repeatedly with a specific interval.

Create a scheduler linked to the bar using timing.NewScheduler().

C holds a chan <-struct{} that will be notified for each tick of the scheduler, similar to time.Ticker. It is almost guaranteed that the bar is active when a value is received on this channel. (There’s a small chance that the bar has paused again in the time since the signal was sent, but this is unlikely).


Typical usage of a scheduler would be in a for loop, especially combined with a select.

func (m *Module) Stream(sink bar.Sink) {
	sch := timing.NewScheduler().Every(3*time.Second)
	settings := m.settings.Get()
	data := process()
	for {
		select {
			case <-m.settings.Next():
				settings = m.settings.Get()
			case <-sch.C:
				data = process()

This basically loops forever, waiting for a change in m.settings, or for a scheduler tick. The process() work only happens on scheduler tick, so while the bar is hidden, process will almost never be called.


The timing package also provides Now(), with the same signature as time.Now(), but with a few barista-specific changes: