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Pango Formatting

import ""

When using a Pango font, i3bar supports formatting the output using Pango Markup. This allows rich in-line formatting in each segment of the output.

Barista provides formatting primitives that allow type-safe construction of markup strings, wutomatically handling escaping and some unit conversions. A pango “document” is just a set of *pango.Nodes, which stringify together to create the final markup. Nodes provide methods to set formatting and add additional nodes to build up a “document”.

Text Nodes

Created using pango.Text("..."), or pango.Textf("foo is %v", ...), text nodes automatically escape their content to avoid conflicts and invalid pango markup. So Text("<b>bold</b>") will print <b>bold</b> on the bar, and not bold text.

Group Nodes

Nodes can contain other nodes, useful if some styles need to be applied across all of them. It can also sometimes simplify the construction code if the document is built in pieces even without any shared formatting. For example:

out := new(pango.Node).Color(orange)
if info.isPlaying() {
	out.AppendTextf("%v/", info.CurrentTime())
out.AppendTextf("%v", info.Length).ConcatTextf("- %s", out.Title)
return out // <span color="#f70">1m3s/4m33s</span> - Song Name

Building up

As demonstrated in the example above, there are two ways to add content to an existing node:

Formatting Methods

Once a pango node is created using Text/Textf, it can then be formatted using the many available formatting methods. See the pango.Node godoc for the complete list.

Most keywords, such as x-small (size), expanded (stretch), or medium (weight), have been added directly to *Node, to allow code like:


However, the normal keyword would be ambiguous, so it has been prefixed with the attribute, e.g. WeightNormal(), StretchNormal(), etc.

Most methods only change one attribute, but Color(color.Color) and Background(color.Color) set both the colour attribute and the alpha attribute to values obtained from the color.Color.

Smaller() and Larger() are also special, in that they wrap content rather than set an attribute. This means that multiple invocations on the same node produce the expected result. i.e.,


produces tiny text that is three sizes smaller than normal. If Smaller merely set the size=’smaller’, this code would produce text that was only one size smaller than normal.