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An i3status alternative in golang

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import ""

A notifier can be used to signal changes of interest across goroutines where only the newest value is relevant and intermediate changed values can be safely ignored.

For example, if a module’s output format is changed several times before it gets a chance to update, it can safely ignore all intermediate values and only use the latest output format. Similarly, if a scheduler has ticked several times but none of the ticks have been processed, they can be coalesced into a single tick whenever the consumer is ready next.

notifier.New() returns a notification func() and a <-chan struct{}. Whenever the function is called, the struct will receive an update, unless the previous update is still pending.

notifier.Source can be used to signal multiple listeners at once, by providing one-shot listeners using Next() <-chan struct{} that returns a chanel closed on the next Notify call, and Subscribe() (<-chan struct{}, func()) that returns a channel that receives an empty value on each notification and an associated cleanup func.



fn, n := notifier.New()

go func(ch <-chan struct{}) {
	for range ch {
		time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)

for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
	// Don't do this, use timing.NewScheduler() instead.
	time.Sleep(3 * time.Second)

In this example, even though we sent 10 signals spaced 3 seconds apart, because of blocking delays in the receiving goroutine, only 4 times will be printed (+0, +10, +20, +30 seconds); the remaining signals will be discarded instead of being queued up.


s := new(notifier.Source)

for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
	go func(i int) {
		for range s.Next() {
			// This won't work, since the channel from Next() never receives a
			// value, it's simply closed.

	go func(i int) {
		n := s.Next()
		<-n // This will wait for the next notification.
		_, open := <-n
		fmt.Println("channel open: %v", open) // Will print false.

go func() {
	sub, done := s.Subscribe()
	defer done()
	for range sub {

s.Notify() // Prints 0-9 and "notifed".

// After the signal, the channels have been closed and cleaned up, so subsequent
// calls will not trigger the 'Next()' listeners. Subscriptions will continue
// to be triggered.
s.Notify() // Only prints "notified", since that's a continuous listener.

In this example, we subscribe to a source using both one-shot Next() and continuous Subscribe(). This example also demonstrates how the done func returned by Subscribe should typically be deferred for automatic cleanup of subscriptions.