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Bar Interfaces & Types

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A bar.Segment represents a single segment of output. It defines the text and markup style, as well as formatting attributes like colours, separators, and widths. See the godoc for the full list.

It is used as a pointer, to allow both styles of construction: new(Segment).Color(red).Width(100) and segment = new(Segment); segment.Color(red); segment.Width(100). To create a changed version of an existing segment without the changes being reflected in the original, use Clone(). This can also be used to create “template” segments, which can then be used as tpl.Clone().Text("foo") to create new segments that have all the same properties as the template.


A bar.Output represents something that can be expressed as a collection of bar.Segments. Because this is an interface, many types to be used for output directly. For example, *pango.Node, *bar.Segment, and bar.Segments all implement bar.Output and can be used wherever an output is required.


A bar.Sink represents a destination for bar.Output. The main barista instance will provide sinks that output to stdout for consumption by i3bar, but other modules may provide their own sinks to process values before sending them on (e.g. reformat or group).

Sink also provides a convenience function to check errors: Error(error) boolean. If the error is nil, this function simply returns false, but if the error is non-nil, it sends an error segment to the sink and returns true. This allows concise error handling in modules:

val, err := /* something */
if sink.Error(err) {
	// An error segment will be displayed automatically.
sink.Output(/* something with val */)


The building block for the bar, a bar.Module is anything that can send output to a bar.Sink. A Module simply needs a Stream(bar.Sink) function that sends output to the passed-in sink any number of times with arbitrary delays in between.

The passed in sink may become invalid once the Stream function returns, so avoid storing it anywhere. Once Stream returns, it can be called again and the module should sensibly restart.


Event handlers (func(bar.Event)) can be attached to a segment. When i3bar sends an event, barista internally uses the Name field to look up the click handler and sends the rest of the event to the handler:

type Event struct {
	Button  Button
	// Co-ordinates within the segment.
	X, Y int
	// Size of the segment as displayed on the bar.
	Width, Height int
	// Co-ordinates on the root window (useful for positioning popups).
	ScreenX, ScreenY int

Error Handling

Right-clicks on a segment with a defined error are not sent to the segment’s click handler, but instead to barista’s global error handler. By default, the global error handler uses i3-nagbar to display the full error message, but it can be customised by calling barista.SetErrorHandler.

The global error handler receives the event as well as the error from the segment clickced:

type ErrorEvent {
	Error error